Tokoloshe Tokila

Tokoloshe Tokila is a conceptual brand that was developed by Studio Kallie creative director, Kayla De Jesus Freitas, in 2021.

This 1-litre, resealable canned tequila beverage was conceptualised as a packaging alternative for festival-goers that regularly engage in decantation. This insight was gained from research showing that the majority of festivals do not allow glass containers on-site, however, plastic waste is a serious environmental issue facing festival organisers.

The Tokoloshe Tokila brand fills this gap in the market by providing consumers with a resealable, 100% recyclable, aluminium container that is durable and easy to transport. The can also features detachable aluminium cups.

Brand Deliverables

An image depicting the word tokoloshe and colour swatches on a sand background
An image depicting the typefaces used by the Tokoloshe Tokila brand
An image showing three cans of Tokoloshe Tokila
An annotated mock-up of the Tokoloshe Tokila can packaging design